Pipe and tube bending
Assembly, checking and measuring fixtures by HolmTec
The company has been operating since 2005, in the engineering and automotive industries. We mainly deal with the introduction of automation and robotics into production processes, development, modernization and production of single-purpose machines, fixtures with established POKA-YOKE principles. Last but not least, we also deal with the bending of tubes, pipes, bars and rods.

The main offer of our services

Pipe and tube bending
Bending of thin-walled and thick-walled pipes is carried out by the so-called cold forming method, on CNC and NC machines.
Tube bending technology enables smooth bending in 3D space according to the specified XYZ coordinates or according to the 3D model...

Production CMJ
Control devices are used for intermediate and final control of the shape, dimensions, positions, mounting points and completeness of assemblies. By using and using the products, possible deviations are eliminated or completely minimized...

Design / Development
We offer our customers long-term experience in the field of design and production of control tools. Ensuring error-free output or inter-operation control in a fast and efficient way is the main goal of every production process...

Department of Metrology
We measure on a Faro 3D measuring arm or coordinate CMM measuring machine. It is common to measure and compare the 3d model with real parts.
We measure small parts in inter-operation checks, but also larger parts or assemblies...
Production cooperation in the Czech Republic
what does it consist of
Cooperation in the field of production and assembly
Design - Innovation - Machine production
Pneumatic components and machines - Festo -Pneumax
Assembly of the products
Welding of stainless steel and aluminum
Design and assembly of aluminum profile systems - Item
Lean production
Partner in application to production processes
Increasing the speed of production
Elimination of manual measurement
Zero error and incorrect assembly avoidment
POKA-YOKE principles
Increased work safety
Acceleration of quality control
Advantages of cooperation with us
Qualified expertise
Tradition of engineering
Individual approach
More than 16 years of experience in automotive
Average salary from 1533 EUR/month
Now Free Capacity
Short delivery times
Your benefits
CAD / CAM design office
We focus on:
welding fixtures - clamping fixtures - positioning and assembly fixtures - measuring fixtures - single-purpose machines - 3D printing of prototype parts
We will process a 3D model of the construction design.
We have rich experience with foreign drawings.
When designing, we will take into account our experience with the given issue.
We base all orders for the production of preparations and some other products that we manufacture with our own design.
We will give your thoughts and ideas a real shape.
Principles of POKA-YOKE
Error elimination, better quality, lower costs, increased operator safety, lower operator skill requirements, increased production flexibility, better operator access, simplification and better maintenance

Technique principles of Poka - Yoke
they are one of the most important methods of quality management and improvement of production processes. We apply the principles of Poka Yoke in the construction of inspection templates, clamping jigs, measuring jigs, but also on assembly tables.
By introducing these principles into production, the primary goal is to reduce production defects, then to reduce production costs, mainly due to the minimization of errors. Increased safety and reduced risk of accidents at work and production flow is optimized.

Take advantage of cooperation with high expertise and production productivity.
Machine innovation and construction.
B2B Czech Republic is the Way to reduce costs.
Are you still not using qualified production cooperation with the Czech Republic?

Podporujeme: CTU CarTech - Formula Student Team
Těší nás, že jsme se mohli podílet na svět zajímavému projektu - CTU CarTech.
Oznámení: COVID-19
V souvislosti s vyhlášením mimořádné situace v České republice bychom vás chtěli ujistit, že jsme přijali opatření k zajištění,...